Commission finds no link between online casinos, gambling addiction

30 September 2011
Commission finds no link between online casinos, gambling addiction

One of the biggest arguments against legalizing online casinos is that it will increase gambling addiction, but a recent report from the European Commission has found that such speculation is simply untrue, according to European Voice.

The findings come after the Commission, which has been working with the European Union on whether or not there should be online gambling laws, met with experts in the health and gambling fields. The meeting came to the conclusion that there was no evidence that internet gambling increased the chances of addiction.

In part, the report read that it "does not appear to have given rise to problem development or addiction at a higher rate than in the offline environment," and that regulation in the industry offers operators the opportunity to more-closely monitor gaming activity.

The report comes days after a poll in the United States found that the majority of California residents are not opposed to online poker. Additionally, some land-based casinos in the U.S. have come out in favor of online platforms.

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