Zynga stands to gain if online gambling is legalized

19 January 2012
Zynga stands to gain if online gambling is legalized

The gaming software company Zynga has come a long way when it comes to the social gaming scene, and has been making its way into the mobile gaming industry as well. It seems as though the gaming company would also benefit greatly if online gambling became legal in the U.S., according to Forbes Magazine.

Zynga already has a Texas HoldEm Poker game, which is its most valuable. It has nearly 30 million monthly users, who are actively playing on their account. However, if they could incorporate real money into this venture, it is possible they could collect billions, according to the news source.

It is expected that the online gambling industry could be worth more than $40 billion come 2014. Zynga has to compete with some of the big companies out there now, but if this goes through, many can expect to see their favorite casino games designed by Zynga.

Do you already play games that were designed by Zynga? Do you think that you would play online roulette, poker or slots on it as well?

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