Scientists Break The Code On Roulette

24 October 2012
Scientists Break The Code On Roulette

The human mind is amazing. Every time it seems as though a problem can’t be solved, it is indeed solved. Humans love a challenge, and when it comes to challenges, nobody gets more motivated than scientists.

Two scientists by the names of Dr. Chi Kong Tse and Michael Small have developed a software program that can give you at least an 18% return in roulette over the long haul. Since the house edge is usually 2.7%, this is an incredible improvement.

The only problem is that if you began getting greedy using this approach, the casino would shut down the game. It’s also possible that you would end up on a banned player list. Even if you’re not the one who gets greedy, someone else will get greedy. That’s a guarantee. Therefore, in the end, this approach to the game won’t last. That said, there is an opportunity to make some money before the casinos catch on.

All you need to know is the initial position, velocity and acceleration of the ball. Since the wheel is always moving at an angular velocity, the ball will decelerate. If you can capture the pass point on three consecutive orbits, then you can estimate the velocity and deceleration of the ball. This might sound complicated, but when you break it down, it’s actually pretty simple.

Michael Small is a professor at the University of Western Australia. Dr. Chi Kong Tse works at Polytechnic University in Hong Kong.

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